Get on your bike! – Deep in the south-west of Rheinhessen

  • E-Bike Tour
  • Registration required – min. 4 to max. 10 participants
  • Costs 15,00 € / pers. Possibly rent e-bike

    The most beautiful spots around Monsheim, along the village wall, to the wine stop, “border crossing” to the Weintor and through the Pfrimm valley.

A varied eBike round in the south-westernmost corner of Rheinhessen to the “Top 10 sights” of the association municipality Monsheim and with a detour to the adjoining Pfalz. “Üwer the Hiwwel” of the vine-land goes to the old “Plenzer” of Nieder-Flörsheim along the famous village wall through Dalsheim; Through the Reben Sea to the Goldberg. Continue reading “Get on your bike! – Deep in the south-west of Rheinhessen”

Pleasure hike on the “BohnErz” route

  • Costs 10€ / Pers.

    A piece of home to discover. What was the significance of the ore production 200 years ago for the region at the Kloppberg? Our circular route along the BohnErz route leads the hiker on partly natural economic roads over the Hochborner plateau with a very beautiful view – a bridging between modern wind energy and tedious pig iron removal.

Continue reading “Pleasure hike on the “BohnErz” route”